Monday, April 16, 2012

Boeing smartphone - will be presented still in this year

                          The word "Boeing" is associated with almost exclusively with large aircraft, and - possibly - contracts for the army. Therefore, the information that the American company intends to produce cellular phone, is a surprise.

                          Android Community Services informed the National Defense Magazine, that the U.S. government signed an agreement with Boeing under which this year is expected to create a special smartphone. Based on Android, is to be adapted to the needs of the army and government. The new smartphone is slated for release later this year.


                     From ordinary headphones will probably distinguish it security, including data encryption and access based on biometric authentication. And since Boeing is working on it for quite some time, you can expect that the version of Android will not be higher than 2.3. Either way, the users do not get more access to Google applications Play.


                          The new smartphone is a departure from the common association of aerospace giant, but he also has to account some of the world's most efficient solar cells and components for satellites and rockets. So we know that, although Boeing does not have the experience necessary to produce any of the devices, but it has a technological base and highly qualified engineers. This enables him to take orders, which does not count finesse design or functionality tailored to the needs of mass audiences (not to mention the preparation of marketing for the marketing of products for ordinary consumers). The other hand, it goes very well create a sound device, intended for a specialized group, holding tightly defined expectations. And here comes the Boeing smartphone.

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